Thursday 26 February 2009

Day 30 - February 22nd 2009 Florence, Italy

A bit of cornflakes and coffee for breakfast before checking out of the hotel. Christina pointed us in the wrong direction however, and we ended up missing putting our bags on the bus for storage and had to truck back to the hotel and leave our bags there. Joined up with the big group and split off again to tour Europe’s oldest pharmacy. The pharmacy contains all sorts of old beakers and decanters for muddling and mixing every sort of ingredient thought to cure illness. From the pharmacy we traveled up a steep hill to the Capucci Fashion museum overlooking Florence. The museum exhibits a variety of dresses that were designed and shown by Roberto Capucci for fashion shows around the world. In my opinion these crazy dresses were nice to look at and obviously took a long time to build, but... who cares about dresses that you can’t wear? Maybe its because I don’t wear dresses and lack finer taste in fashion.... The view from the terrace overlooking the city was very cool though. After coming down from the hill I met up once again with Katie to go on a search for a leather shop that does gold letter imprinting on the leather. I got my brother a present stamped with his initials in 18k gold leaf after quite a search around Santa Croce. Back in front of the Duomo a parade was going on for celebration of Carnevale and there were people dressed up in clothes from periods of old and dancers and acrobats. It was quite a spectacle. Said goodbye to Katie and headed to the buses to return back to Roma. Everyone was quite tired and ready for a good nights rest.

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