Thursday 12 February 2009

Day 10 - February 3rd 2009 Rome, Italy

Arose at a very early 7:30am (comparatively) for my 9am class of Italian language and headed out on the tram to travel the 25mins to the Lorenzo de’Medici school across the Tevere on the north side of historic Rome. The Italian class consists of only me and another girl so the one on one attention of the professoressa is great. After class I spent some time wandering near the Piazza di Spagna then met up with the troops for lunch and returned to the school for my afternoon class of Art History of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. I may or may not have fallen asleep in this class not because it is that boring,... just because I get generally tired in the afternoon around the hours of 3-5pm. Explanations aside we touched on a few famous works residing in Rome and the general syllabus for the class. Now a side note here: I am not much of an artistic enthusiast but I have to fulfill an art history class for Arts and Sciences at UVM, so, I figured there is no place better to do it than right here in a classic art and architecture city. Here’s the kicker that got me: almost 1/2 of my classes are held outside and inside the museums containing the works themselves! We don’t have to sit in a classroom looking at endless slides contemplating the mystery of why Macaroni and Cheese is just so good and yet so easy to make!

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