Thursday 12 February 2009

Day 20 - February 12th 2009 In Treno a Cortina, Italia

Arose and packed my snowpants and Burton jacket! this morning and headed over to Termini stazione to board the 9470 treno a Cortina! On the train I met a kind older lady who I spoke to for most of the train ride in alternating Italian and English. I am going to call her next week and meet up in Rome somewhere. A Firenze my co-traveler/ partner in criminal intent Katie joined up and we proceeded through central Italia up to mestre Venzia and transferred trains onto the Calalzo di Cortina express. The sights on this train are absolutely astounding to the point of tears of artistic joy and beauty. The high rise mountains and small villas below them are just too cool to see. I feel dwarfed by the ominous mountains hanging over me. Katie and I arrived in the small way station of Calalzo and waited for the shuttle bus to arrive to take us up the mountain to Cortina. We were a bit strung out riding on the bus as we had reached our 11th hour of travelling. But we made it safe and sound to the Villa Alpina albergo and wow is this place so very very very nice. We are most fortunate to be poor study abroad students and get such a sweet place to stay in Cortina. We went to dinner with Mike and Regan Torney as well as Sarah to a small pizzeria right next to the hotel.

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