Thursday 12 February 2009

Day 9 - February 2nd 2009 Rome, Italy

Awoke this morning early to prepare myself for class. My lecture was not until early afternoon but I wanted to travel into the city to meet up the group after they got out of their classes to walk around a little bit. I did a stupid thing and took the bus all the way into Piazza Repubblica when I really needed to take it to the Wedding Cake/ Vittorio Emanuele II Monumento. So this mistake allowed me to walk for about 30 mins backtracking to Via del Corso to meet up with the crew. I did find some very cool new places on my walk though so that was a positive. Ate a spectacular spaghetti lunch and then strolled into my first class at Lorenzo de’Medici, Masters of Italian Cinema: Frederico Fellini. The 2 1/2 hr classes can be a little long but it really helps cover everything in a continuous stream of consciousness.

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