Thursday 12 February 2009

Day 17- February 9th 2009 Rome, Italy

Arose this morning late because the blackout pulldown wooden barrier of a shade just makes the room so darn dark! Dressed myself in good business attire and headed into the city before my class at 3. Went looking for a textbook that I need for my Masters of Italian Cinema: Federico Fellini class but the bookstore reported to me that they did not have any copies so I had to attend class without it. We watched Roma, Citta Aperta, by director Roberto Rossilini which is the classic neo-realism film of Nazi occupied Rome. I love the run and gun gritty style of neo-realism, which often uses non-professional actors in lead roles to give the film more common citizen authenticity. After class let out I joined up with the group of LdM students going on a walking tour of Giancolo Hill above Trastevere. The view from the hill at night is amazing and I got a few of slow exposure pictures that are quite nice. After walking down the hill we found our way to a bar by the Tevere to participate in l’apertivo. A glass of vino rosso and all the tapas style food you can eat. Cous cous, verdure vegetables with amazing dipping salsas and so many other good eats. The only problem is there isn’t much seating so most people eat everything standing up, which doesn’t sit well in my stomache. Oh well the food was deliciously cheap. Back to the Trastevere apartment for reading work and bed.

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