Thursday 12 February 2009

Day 16 - February 8th 2009 North Rome, Italy

Went to breakfast today with Katie at a swank little ristorante and had cheese omelets and succo d’arancia and a few crumpets. Parted with Katie to head back to Camp Trastevere to take a shower and prepare to head to an event of sheer epic-ness: AS Roma vs Genoa on the luscious green pitch of soccer/futbol/calcio depending on where you are in the world. We had to take a pretty long bus ride up to the Stadio Olimpico where the match or partita, was being held. After arriving at the threshold of the spectacular, we waited an extra 30 mins before going into the stadium because a couple of our compatriots did not ::ahem:: get off the tram with everybody else and therefore ended up getting very hopelessly lost. But we made it in and the game had just commenced. Man, this was just too cool. A sea of people on both side of the stadium just going out of their minds for the AS Roma team. Every shot, pass, slide tackle; everything that happened on the field elicited a hiss or cheer from the crowd. And OH the chants. Everyone but us knew them and they erupted out of the top of the stadium like the battle cries of old. Lazio lazio VAFFANCULO! Wow. After the game ended and the 40,000+ people streamed out of the stadium, we smashed ourselves into a public bus and headed back to basecamp. Worked on a few things and skyped mio padre, and for all the readers out there hit me up my skype name is: frozentimestudios or c paganelli.

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