Thursday 12 February 2009

Days 11-15 February 4th - February 7th Rome, Italy

I am going to employ a childhood pneumonic here and say “One two, skip a few, 99, 100”. During this small period of day skipping we started our Wednesday evening ritual of eating at La MonteCarlo and trying to woo the staff to put our picture up on the wall with all the other dignitaries smiling out from the white plaster. Have I mentioned we love La MonteCarlo? We’ll we do. Thursday I am off from class so I ran some errands getting required textbooks and so forth. We frequented the nightspot AnimA again but I have come to dislike this place as it is too narrow in width for its own good and needs more breathing room. Friday I awoke debating with myself whether to go on the school trip to Lake Bracciano and decided against on the grounds that it was cold and rainy and I’d rather go there and swim when it gets hotter. Katie also arrived with her Firenze travel group to tour Rome. We hitched onto another group of API students going to the Scholar’s Irish Lounge and Pub that evening for a bit of spiritual and mentality enhancing entertainment. The place was extremely packed wall to wall but we found our way around eventually ending up in the back at a nice table. We quaffed our elixers and then left to pursue a good night’s rest. Spent a lazy Saturday reading a bit and hanging out with my comrades in arms at the appartamento. Katie and I met up with the API crew that evening and jaunted over to the Jazzclub for a smooth beverage and smooth jazz once again.

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