Thursday 19 February 2009

Day 24 - February 16th 2009 Rome, Italy

Nothing much to report. A good day of class and running a few errands. Picked up some peanut butter at the international food store because Italians do not use it/ make it here apparently. Went to a wine tasting hosted by LdM at a local wine bar. Sampled 2 whites and 2 reds in which one of the reds was a lambrusco. All quite delicious wines. The only thing wrong was that Ryan and I wanted cheese and all the waiters brought out was this measly cheese and prosciutto hamburger looking thing. So after the tasting we took a walk around the block to our Italian friend Francesco’s family’s restaurant and got some delicious cheese sample plates. Back at base I cooked up some real good vegetable stir fry...I’m becoming quite the freestyle cook partly because I don’t know the names of every ingredient so I just throw everything I find and it seems to work out.

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