Thursday 26 February 2009

Day 29 - February 21st 2009 Florence, Italy

Arose early this mattina to hop over to the front of the Duomo for a trip to the Galleria dell’Accademia to take in the David and other stunning art that surrounds him. Seeing the partially finished Michaelangelo sculptures again was very interesting, the statued figures trying to break free of their Carrara marble cages. After the Galleria I met up with Katie and we jaunted over the San Lorenzo markets to do a little leather browsing. Returned the hotel to rest for a bit and get ready to go over to the cooking school to make a meal of gnocchi, eggplant, and tiramisù from scratch. The chefs teaching us were great and it was so much fun to create a full meal all together. Katie and I then took a stroll over to the lounge called Slowly to sit and enjoy a chilled delight.

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