Monday 16 March 2009

Day 49 - March 13th 2009 Tivoli, Italy

Arose early this morning to head over to Piazza Trilussa to board the API express to the small town of Tivoli on the outskirts of the Lazio region. Arrived in fine form and disembarked into Hadrian’s Villa or Villa Adriana, an enormous expanse of buildings and man-made lakes that the Emperor Hadrian used as a base camp away from his political duties. He also tested his architectural pursuits all over the villa, experimenting widely with new arches, materials and layouts. After the tour we boarded the bus once again to head into the heart of Tivoli to the Il Ciocco restaurant where the view was amazing over this grotto/ valley and so was the 3 course meal we were served. Our hunger completely satiated, we boarded the bus to head back to camp Roma.

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