Wednesday 11 March 2009

Day 40 - March 4th 2009 Rome, Italy

Marched through European history today with our favorite teacher Fabio. Fabio is an all around interesting guy, he is about 26, speaks excellent english and italian, and recites his 2 and half hour lectures completely from memory. It’s quite amazing to sit and listen to. He also gives us all our insider Rome tips about nightspots and the best restaurants and so on. After history comes wine class, this week we sampled 4 different red wines and one Moscasti D’Asti sparkling sweet white. The reds included a Barbaresco 2004 which is from the Piedmonte region of Italy. This easily had the most complex and interesting structure and body of all the wines we have tasted so far. The Moscato was everyone’s favorite because after so many tastings of reds the class was thankful for a sweet passito wine. After wine class it was on to La Montecarlo for a bite and back home for the usual reading writing and arithmetic.

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