Wednesday 11 March 2009

Day 41 - March 5th 2009 Rome, Italy

Had to get up today earlier than I would have liked to on my first day of the weekend (Thursday) as today our group was meeting the PosteItaliane officials to exchange our precious Permesso di Soggiorno documents (copy of every page in our passport? + copy of visa etc). And we happily sauntered off with a little receipt that said we were good visitors and are now currently deep within the dark machine that is the Italian bureaucratic system. Katie’s appointment to get the actual Permit to Stay is scheduled for September 2009 so I’m thinking I’m going to be, say...Christmas 2009? I may miss this appointment... A little homework at the LdM school then back to base command to suit up for the night. First a quick foray to a local Trastevere osteria that serves delicious gnocchi, but only one day a week! Once this delicious dish of gnocchi arrabiata spicy sauce was done and gone we went to a spot that some of the crew had already frequented called the Bartelli Bar which is tended by Luigi and his friend. We shared talk and spirits with these fine gentleman then proceeded on to the Zarbar for flashing lights and 90’s american music which Italians think is still new stuff for some reason.

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