Monday 2 March 2009

Day 38 - March 2nd 2009 Rome, Italy

Standard day at the office today. Italian cinema class, some pasta with freestyle spicy sauce. Italian homework and blog writing. I suppose this is a good an opportunity as any to give you insight into Italian supermercato shopping for groceries. The experience is quite comical. So the first time I went grocery shopping, I carried all my items in my arms and shirt because I couldn’t figure out where everyone was getting the green baskets. In Italy there is no cart collection, everyone just leaves their empty vessel near the checkout line once their done unloading. So, one has to go all the way around in the store, pick up the goofy little green rolly basket cart, and begin the shopping experience. Now, this may be because I don’t understand fully every Italian word, but for some reason there are two classes of milk and eggs, the refrigerated and unrefrigerated. I was under the impression these items needed cool temps at all times or else they would spoil, but not in Italy apparently. Eggs and milk are refrigerated in one spot, then right in the same aisle there are their warmer weather brethren. I’ve taken to buying the fridge milk and free standing eggs, which seems to work out fine. Now onto the checkout. The man asks if you want a bag, but you have to pay .05 cents for it. I say no because I now bring my own bags cause I’m too cheap to pay the extra .05. And there are no baggers in Italy, you buy it, you bag it. But once you unload everything the cashier starts laser bleeping each item and sending it full speed at you waiting to bag at the other end. And no sooner has he finished swiping the items and you are not even close to getting all your peanuts and crackerjacks in the bag than then next customers items start speeding down the alley. Now this customer gets all indignant that you are still there desperately trying to pack everything into your small cloth bag. It’s just a riot every time. Well that’s my piece on fare la spesa in Italia.

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