Monday 2 March 2009

Day 35 - February 27th 2009 En route to Perugia, Italy

ALMOST missed the bus this morning headed to Perugia. Woke up at 7:50am bus was leaving at 8. Needed to take a 10 min tram to Piazza Trilussa where the buses were parked. Wow was that some serious hustling. But I made it and all was well. Slept much of the 3 hour drive up to Perugia. After touring around the main square for a bit I realized I had been there before in 2004 on the Rice europe trip. Kinda cool town but just not that earthshattering ya know? One thing that was really cool was taking this mini-metro down the side of the hill that Perugia sits on to the train station below. Christine Davis was my travel associate for all of this because she, like me, was headed up towards Venezia for that weekend. I arrived in Florence to stay one night with Katie then head up on the high speed train the next morning. We hit up a local trattoria for some eats, (I had fried rabbit?), then went over the Loch Ness lounge for some sweet grooves.

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