Sunday 26 April 2009

Day 63 March 27th 2009 Valencia, Spain

Early wake to move our stuff out of the apartment for cleaning. Grabbed a other-worldly kabab and headed off for the brand new Valencia Zoo! Such a beautiful day out, 80 and sunny blue skies. I felt like a preschooler again as we stomped around the zoo checking out all the amazing animals, everything from meerkats to giraffes to rhinos. The monkeys were the best, rolling around with their colored behinds. Big photo opportunity. Zoo adventure concluded, we headed back to hang for awhile at the apartment. That evening we grabbed some dinner and headed over to a park to chill and boteone. Ended up at Cafe Valencia, a loud pub/disco where a company was repping Desperadoes Tequila infused beer, a novel idea to be sure. Got the nightlife fix and back to the apartment for night riposo.

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