Sunday 26 April 2009

Day 59 March 23rd 2009 Brussels, Belgium / Dublin, Ireland

Sent Katie off on the airport shuttle then took a quick self tour of Brussels before my flight left for Dublin. Grabbed a waffle, some Leffe beer, and a meat covered piece of bread. It’s true, Belgian waffles are the best. I also bought some Belgian chocolate from the Leonidas chain store. has been so amazingly useful in finding amazing places in all the cities I’ve been, I highly recommend using it if you are going abroad or even in the US (I think?) Made my way to the airport and jumped on my Ryanair flight for Dublin. The best/worst thing (depending) about Ryanair is there are no assigned seats on your ticket, its just a free-for-all to get to the plane and grab seats. In this way it may seem to the unenthusiastic this a big pain in the butt rush. But to an young traveler like myself who can stand pushing and shoving and a bit of competitiveness and the thrill of the chase, I love the fact that I can get exit row seats every flight without paying a dollar more or needing to be a frequent flier. Katie knows my favorite term for this, the “stick and move” from boxing. I use the legspeed and a bit of freestyle walking to get to where I want to be. So landed in Dublin, checked into the Globetrotters Hostel where I was staying in an 8 bed dorm and grabbed a bite to eat with Courtney and Rebecca who had been in Dublin for 3 days prior to me.

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