Wednesday 27 May 2009

Day 84 May 19th 2009 En route to Rome, Italy

Arose to clean up and pack up the rest of the apartment by the sea. Pina, the caretaker arrived at 10 to check everything out and we were off at 10:30. But we didn’t make it very far. 100 meters down the road a stop to grab a load of painted pottery. Another 100m and a stop for group picture. And so on it went. Finally we were traveling up and and through the mountain towards Sorrento because we had decided it might be cool to stop in Pompeii to see the ruins. But this was not to be as we took a democratic vote and wanted to spend a bit more time in Rome so we bypassed Pompeii and shot straight up on the A1 autostrada back to Rome. Dropped the car back at Avis with a big thanks to Guida who we couldn’t have made it without. Got into our room at the hotel Holiday Inn then proceeded to take one sweaty train, one double-sweaty metro and one triple-sweaty bus over towards piazza Navona. After getting out of the sweaty mass that is Rome public transportation during summer, we made it to the elongated piazza of fountains and artists. We sat down for an overpriced dinner, but hey it’s a nice location right?, then the girls went strolling around for some art shopping. A quick cab back to the Holiday ended the evening.

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